Mobile Application Security Testing

According to the vulnerabilities reports 90% of mobile applications have at least 2/10 vulnerabilities defined by OWASP. At Redaallco we provide in-depth security testing of mobile applications to confirm with defined high security standards. We test applications for technical, logical vulnerabilities and industry best practice to provide detailed report with the proof of concepts. We are specialized in performing security testing at client-side mobile application and the server-side software to identify the vulnerabilities. We follow time proven and industry standard mobile application security testing methodologies to be the most efficient and through mobile security partner. We cover all the issue highlight in “OWSAP Mobile top 10” for our mobile application security testing and more:

M1. Improper Platform Usage.

M2. Insecure Data Storage .

M3. Insecure Communication.

M4. Insecure Authentication.

M5. Insufficient Cryptography.

M6. Insecure Authorization.

M7. Client Code Quality.

M8. Code Tampering.

M9. Reverse Engineering .

M10. Extraneous Functionality, and many more.

Our Methodology & Our Approach

We conduct application security test with the help of automated scanners, custom scripts followed by in-depth manual security testing against application, while performing application security testing we nearly carry out maximum number of security tests manually and use automated tools for preliminary testing only. Manual security test helps us to discover all sort of complex, technical and logical application vulnerabilities which otherwise missed upon by automated security scanners.

Step 1: Information Gathering: a) Application crawling, b) App Store, c) Application Entry Pints.

Step 2: Communication: a) Secure credential Transmission, b) Protects from MITM, c) Secure Data Transmission and API Calls, d) Secure Session management.

Step 3: Storage: a) Secure History Caching Management, b) Secure Data Backup and Deletion, c) Side Channel Data Leakage, d) Secure Data Storage

Step 4: Server Attacks: a) Adequate Authentication controls, b) Adequate Authorization Control, c) Injection Attacks, d) Adequate Server-Side Controls.

Step 5: Decomplication: a) De-complied Analysis, b) Identify Source code security flow, c) Insecure Hardcoded String/Data.

Step 6: Application Exploitation: a) Privilege Escalation, b) Trust Exploitation, c) Exploiting Business Logic, d) Workflow flaws, e) Attack pivoting & Elevation.

Exploitation Allowed: Exploit all possible vulnerability and penetrate deeper into Network.

Exploitation Not Allowed: Exploit Vulnerabilities Nondestructively Such as Brut Forcing, File Uploading.

Step 7: Reporting, Consulting, Revalidation: a) POCs Evidence Collection, b) Executive & Technical Reporting, c) Mitigation Consulting, d) Fix verification, e) Signoff.


Support user confidence in application security.

Identify design flaws and increase your application security.

Protect your organization reputation and information assets.

Helps to stop application downtime and improve productivity.

Analyze if client’s application may be manipulated to provide unauthorized access.

Identifies specific risks to the organization and provide detailed recommendation to mitigate them.

Why Us

We make clear and comprehensively documented reports of vulnerabilities that discovered during the assessment. We provide following types of reports after the assessment to our client:

Technical Reports: Technical Report contains details of every identified vulnerability, and potential technical impact, exhibits and actionable remedies, and help organization patch the gaps identified.

Management Reports: Management Reports contains details of identified vulnerabilities, security level, along with the business impact of each vulnerability, which also contains executive summary along with findings conclusion and guidance.

Remediation Guidelines: We provide customize remediation guidance with complete audit programs, refineries and identification steps to follow for each loophole incidents for the future assaults.