About our Company

Redaallco was established in March 2016 with an aim to provide the best quality information cyber-security services for organizations.

Redaallco provides end-to-end information cyber-security management services, hiring best industry talent to provide out of the box information security services, leveraging its end to end information security portfolio. At Redaallco we create risk awareness and understanding your data, knowing how to keep your data safe and treated just like it is, which is private. Because your data is important. We protect your confidentially, integrity, and availability of systems and data.

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According to the world-Economicsform

Hackers can now turnoff the electricity of entire city, in 2015, Ukrainian city Ivano-Frankivsk was plugged into darkness, after hacker’s turnoff the power, they stuck again turnoff the electricity of across part of the Kiev, but such attackers are not limited to Europe.
In 2018, U.S grid was targeted. Hackers infiltrated central center of several power plants. if hackers successfully gain control over energy grids, it could bring whole country to their knees.
The security of energy system is crucial, and while we have the capabilities to reduce the risks. Airports, Road Networks, and hospitals are vulnerable. The economics implications of such attacks can be significant for example analysts say just six-hours winter blackout in mainland France could cost over $ 1.7 billion.The more technology advancement, the more entry points for hackers we create.


Application Security Testing

Web Application Security Testing

Redaallco has specialized and certified testers team who is capable to perform comprehensive application security testing for web application. Our highly experienced security consultant quickly assesses and identify security problems and issues in web applications. We have prepared our methodology with the reference of industry standards and guidelines (Microsoft security development life cycle, OWASP, HIPPA, PCI DSS) to bring the immediate value for clients.

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Mobile Application Security Testing

According to the vulnerabilities reports 90% of mobile applications have at least 2/10 vulnerabilities defined by OWASP. We test applications for technical, logical vulnerabilities and do industry best practice to provide detailed report with the proof of concepts. We are specialized in performing security testing at client-side mobile application and the server-side software to identify the vulnerabilities.

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Website Security Testing

Now day’s having a website has become easier than ever before, there are tools available that can ease your website development work without facing such difficulties that we used to face before. There are skilled, talented people and experienced organizations who can do your website development work at ease and cheap. Now content management system (CMS) like WordPress, Drupal, Magento, and others allows business owners to build an online presence rapidly, but if you talk about website security? That is serious concern for your business.

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Marriott data breach

In January 2021, Marriott International announced that it had suffered a data breach affecting up to 5.2 million hotel guests. The breach involved the unauthorized access of reservation data from the Starwood Hotels & Resorts reservation database, which had been acquired by Marriott in 2016. Hackers accessed the reservation system for the company's Starwood hotels, which included names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, passport numbers, and other personal information of up to 500 million guests.

Application Performance Testing

Security Testing

Security testing is performed to identify flaws in the system in order to protect data and maintain functionality. We at Redaallco follow six measures of security to provide a secured environment as follows:

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Functional Testing

We at Redaallco covers all the scenario including failure paths and boundary cases to test the feature/functionality of the system or software. There are two major functionality of functionality testing:

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Automation Testing

Redaallco has rich experienced automation tester who test and compare actual outcome with expected outcome, they achieved it by writing test scripts or using our licensed automation tool. Test automation is used to automate repetitive tasks and other testing tasks which are difficult to perform manually. This automation testing is also used to test the application from load, performance, and stress purpose. It is used to increase the coverage of test. Automation testing improves the accuracy and saves time and money in comparison to manual testing.

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Load Testing

Load test is usually conducted to understand the behavior of the system under a specific expected load. Load testing is performed for normal and peak load conditions. We at Redaallco follow following approach for load testing..

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Scalability Testing

Scalability Testing is a non-functional test methodology in which an application's performance is measured in terms of its ability to scale up or scale down the number of user requests or other such performance measure attributes. Scalability testing can be performed at a hardware, software or database level or a system's ability to grow by increasing the workload per user, or the number of concurrent users, or the size of a database. We check software / application and their attributes which includes…

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Vulnerability assessment & Penetration testing

Vulnerability assessment & penetration testing is performed to evaluate the security risks in software/application in order to reduce the probability of the threats. Vulnerability assessment and Penetration testing are both security testing service that focus on identifying vulnerability in the network. We at Redaallco follow following methodology to achieve our VAPT goals:

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95% of cybersecurity breaches are due to human error

Cyber-criminals and hackers will infiltrate your company through your weakest link, which is almost never in the IT department.

Industrial Cyber Security

Now days, no industrial operation is free of risk, and different industrial enterprises may legitimately have different “appetites” for certain types of risks Evaluating cyber risk in Industrial Control System (ICS) networks though, is difficult - for example, such evaluations can result in considering explicitly or implicitly up to hundreds of millions of branches of a complex attack tree modelling the interaction of cyber-attacks with cyber, physical, safety and protection equipment and processes. Communicating the results of such risk assessments to business decision makers who are not versed in cyber-physical risk assessment techniques can be even more difficult.

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SolarWinds hack

In December 2020, it was discovered that Russian hackers had breached the computer systems of US government agencies and private companies through a software update from IT company SolarWinds. The breach affected thousands of organizations, including the US Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, and Microsoft.

Red Team Assessment

Red Team Assessment help organizations to identify flaws in their cybersecurity defense and correct vulnerabilities before an unauthorized user and attacker exploit them. Our experienced and certified Red Team prepare multi-phase process and technology to determine the state of your cybersecurity defense from real world hackers prospective. Our experts prepare comprehensive report on both strategic and tactics levels which helps organizations to utilize as a safeguard for their businesses. The purpose of “Red Team Assessment” is to know how real-world hackers can exploit major or even seemingly minor loopholes to breach your IT security.

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Blackbaud data breach

In May 2021, it was revealed that Blackbaud, a cloud-based software company that provides data management services to non-profit organizations, had suffered a data breach in 2020. The breach affected millions of individuals and organizations around the world, including universities, hospitals, and charities.

Cyber Forensics

Now days, technology is evolving day by day and making cyber-crime an ever present and changing reality which is at all not avoidable. Simultaneously, there are continued opportunities for illegal activities which can be carried out in matter of millisecond from remote geographical distance. Cyber forensic is a process of investigation and analysis techniques to gather and preserve evidence from a computing device in a way that is suitable for presentation of low. Our cyber forensics expert protects, detects, extracts and documents of computer evidence stored in the form of magnetically, optically or electronically stored media.

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First Digital Weapon

The worm Stuxnet infiltrated Iran’s nuclear refinement plant network— Hackers infected USB drives and then distributed them to five companies connected to the Iranian nuclear program. The worm eventually caused uranium centrifuges to spin out of control, destroyed thousands of uranium samples, and had leading Iranian scientists convinced that they were doing something to cause the problems. As a result, Stuxnet has been called the world’s first digital weapon.

Network Security

Network Penetration Testing

We at Redaallco in network penetration assessment simulates covert and hostile network attack activities in order to expose specific exploitable loopholes and to expose possible entryways to crucial or sensitive data, if found and misused by a malicious individuals, could cause increased risk and liability to the organization, its executives, shareholders and members. We provide complete view of the IT infrastructure security. Our testing starts with several network access points, representing each logical and physical segment. Our network penetration testing conducted with the help of automated scanners; custom scripts followed by in-depth manual security testing against various network components. We follow proven industry standards procedures towards penetration testing.

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Network Architecture Review

Our highly experienced techiest review and analysis your organization network artifacts (e.g. network diagrams, security requirements, technology inventory, DMZ) to identify how the network architecture and controls protect critical assets, sensitive data and business-critical interconnection in accordance with the organization business and security objectives.

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Wireless Security Testing

We at Redaallco while performing wireless penetration testing actively examine the process of information security to measure wireless Network, its’ weakness, technical flows and critical wireless vulnerabilities since because wireless connectivity pose a significant risk to the organization as the attackers need not to be physically present within the company’s premises to carry out the attacks. Wireless attacks can be conducted by a malicious user from the parking or visitor’s area of the company without even getting noticed. Insecure wireless network is as insecure as extending out an active LAN cable outside of office premise. Wi-Fi can provide opportunities for attackers to infiltrate an organization’s secured environment – irrespective of security access controls. Penetration testing can help identify weaknesses in the wireless infrastructure.

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Social Engineering

The attacks of Social engineering have increased in last few years. They are done to stole target sensitive information or important data through misrepresentation and to use it against them. Social engineering threat is becoming more challenging as it depends upon human behavior.

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DDOS Testing

DDoS attacks happen when multiple machine is operating together to attack one target. DDoS allows for exponentially more request to send to the target to increase the attack power. It also increases the difficulty of attribution, as the true resource of the attack harder to identify.

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APT41 hack

In June 2021, the US Justice Department indicted two Chinese nationals for their involvement in a hacking campaign known as APT41. The hackers targeted a wide range of industries, including healthcare, gaming, and software development, and stole sensitive information from hundreds of companies around the world.


Cert -In Certification

We have association with “CyberCube” who is our certified empanelled vendor with Cert, which provide us “Safe to host Certificate” for our clients. This third party alliance of us with “CyberCube” has its own benefits for our clients like : We give our clients double surety of security for their application? Because first we audit client applications and make sure that each vulnerability has addressed successfully to our clients by us after that our final report & application goes to the “CyberCube” than they again audit our final report and application, and do their security checks and audit of application again by their own, if they find application vulnerabilities has addressed correctly in the report than they issue Safe to host Certificate for the application, and in our final deliverable we attached it and share it with our clients. That is how we are more efficient and better than other our competitors for your security of application.

Capital One data breach

In July 2021, Capital One announced that it had suffered a data breach affecting the personal information of over 100 million customers in the US and Canada. The breach involved the unauthorized access of customer names, addresses, credit scores, and transaction data.

Compliances & Guidelines


The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is an open community dedicated to enabling organizations to develop, purchase, and maintain applications and APIs that can be trusted. Insecure software is undermining our financial, healthcare, defense, energy, and other critical infrastructure. As our software becomes increasingly complex, and connected, the difficulty of achieving application security increases exponentially. The rapid pace of modern software development processes makes the most common risks essential to discover and resolve quickly and accurately. We can no longer afford to tolerate relatively simple security problems like those presented in this OWASP Top 10.

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The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) sets the standard for sensitive patient data protection. Companies that deal with protected health information (PHI) must have physical, network, and process security measures in place and follow them to ensure HIPAA Compliance.

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The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the toughest privacy and security law in the world. Though it was drafted and passed by the European Union (EU), it imposes obligations onto organizations anywhere, so long as they target or collect data related to people in the EU. The regulation was put into effect on May 25, 2018. The GDPR will levy harsh fines against those who violate its privacy and security standards, with penalties reaching into the tens of millions of euros. With the GDPR, Europe is signaling its firm stance on data privacy and security at a time when more people are entrusting their personal data with cloud services and breaches are a daily occurrence. The regulation itself is large, far-reaching, and light on specifics, making GDPR compliance a daunting prospect, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

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If you have business of any size and you accept the store credit card, you will require to compliance PCIDSS (payment card industry data security standard. This regulation provides how you must process data and how you must secure that for your business. The Standard specifies 12 requirements, which are organized into six control objectives relating to the storage, transmission and processing of cardholder data as follows:

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ISO 27001

ISO 27001 (ISO/IEC 27001:2013) is the international standard that provides the specification for an information security management system (ISMS). The Standard is designed to help organizations manage their information security processes in line with international best practice while optimizing costs. It is technology and vendor neutral and is applicable to all organizations - irrespective of their size, type or nature.

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What does it all mean?

Ginni Rometty, IBM’s chairman, president and CEO, said: “Cybercrime is the greatest threat to every company in the world.” And she was right. During the next five years, cybercrime might become the greatest threat to every person, place and thing in the world. With evolving technology comes evolving hackers, and we are behind in security. Understanding the cyber terminology, threats and opportunities is critical for every person in every business across all industries. By providing advanced cyber training and education solutions in all departments of your business, from marketing and sales to IT and InfoSec, you are investing in your company’s protection against cyber threats.