Automation Testing

Redaallco has rich experienced automation tester who test and compare actual outcome with expected outcome, they achieved it by writing test scripts or using our licensed automation tool. Test automation is used to automate repetitive tasks and other testing tasks which are difficult to perform manually. This automation testing is also used to test the application from load, performance, and stress purpose. It is used to increase the coverage of test. Automation testing improves the accuracy and saves time and money in comparison to manual testing.

Our Methodology

As we know test automation is not primarily solution for every situation, so it is not good idea to automate all the test cases. A clear and calculated decision is important on areas that can be automated and the ones that should not be. Any ad-hoc approach will add on to the testing cycle time and cause poor quality deliverables. Our automation testing solutions includes an architecture and methodology for easy writing, maintenance and re-use of test scripts.

  •  Test tool Selection
  •  Define scope of Automation
  •  Planning, Design and development
  •  Test Execution
  •  Maintenance

To get the maximum ROI of automation, we observe following scenario:

 We choose an appropriate framework.
 We select the right automation tool because a tool must not be selected based on its popularity, but it's fit to the automation requirements.
 We determine the scope of automation needs in detail before the start of the project. This sets expectations from automation right.

 Scripting Standards- we follow script standards that are written while writing the scripts for automation. Some of them are:
 Create uniform scripts, comments, and indentation of the code.
 Adequate Exception handling - How error is handled on system failure or unexpected behavior of the application.
 User-defined messages should be coded or standardized for Error Logging for testers to understand.

 Measure metrics- we never compare the success of automation by comparing the manual effort with the automation effort but by also capturing the following metrics:
 Percent of defects found.
 The time required for automation testing for every release cycle.
 Minimal Time is taken for release.
 Customer Satisfaction Index.
 Productivity improvement.

Why Us

We make clear and comprehensively documented reports of vulnerabilities that discovered during the assessment. We provide following types of reports after the assessment to our client:

Technical Reports: Technical Report contains details of every identified vulnerability, and potential technical impact, exhibits and actionable remedies, and help organization patch the gaps identified.

Management Reports: Management Reports contains details of identified vulnerabilities, security level, along with the business impact of each vulnerability, which also contains executive summary along with findings conclusion and guidance.

Remediation Guidelines: We provide customize remediation guidance with complete audit programs, refineries and identification steps to follow for each loophole incidents for the future assaults.